Friday, November 27, 2009

Easing up the XP

We have not reached the desired productivity level just yet even though development is faster for each day. Since we have a challenging dead line we have decided to ease up a little on the XP to get faster forward. This is what we did.

We first had a retrospective with the guys in the team to get their idea of what is slowing each of them down. Pair Programming and inexperience with TDD was the key problems. Some said that coding in pair takes longer than doing it alone since you need to explain everything you do. Some said that thinking about creating the test first probably took three times as long as just doing it.

The actions we decided on was
  1. If you get stuck with the Test First, just do the code and write the test after.
  2. If you feel that you don't add anything while Pairing, go to the task board and start investigating the next task.
  3. Don't ask too much and don't tell too much while Pair Programming. Stick to the problem you're working on.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

TDD is hard

Writing the tests isn't the hard part. At least not for me. It's when you have them. I often find myself do my refactorings first and then correct the tests to work again once refactoring is done.

How do you work with refactoring in a TDD project?

Another hard part is to stop writing the tests - to find the decent level where you have good tests and remain productive. I could spend an entire day writing tests to validate some data, but that wouldn't be very productive. Probably 15 minutes may produce the code needed with just a small number of tests - adding more tests would make sure that even more cases work, but they all probably do from the start.

When do you settle and think a test is good enough and move on to the next function?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


In the past three weeks...

I've learnt the basics of XP.
I've learnt the basics of Planning Poker.
I've learnt the basics of Pair Programming.
I've learnt the basics of Test Driven Development (TDD) with Rhino mocks.
I've learnt that a project that grows with new members rapidly is exhausting.
I've learnt that you must develop MOSS sites in a Virtual Machine.
I've learnt how to enable stack trace on MOSS.
I've learnt new keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio.

and probably more...